Property Manager Story: How Richard from Cornerstone Lettings simplified his life.



Property Manager Story: How Richard from Cornerstone Lettings simplified his life.

Richard is one of the property managers at Cornerstone Lettings, a well-known Edinburgh property management agency.

Before Novoville Shared Repairs, every time one of Richard’s clients' properties required a common repair, a long-winded process would begin. It often took months to complete...

So, the following time, Richard downloaded the Novoville app instead and created the “virtual” tenement. He was the only person to join the app, but that’s OK: the app is here to empower whoever wishes to save time. After creating the roof repair, Richard sent the report to three contractors and received two quotes.

He downloaded automatically generated pre-filled letters through the app and posted them to all owners to invite them to express their opinion on quotes. He then recorded their vote on the app, without the need for everyone to sign up.

With a decision in favour of works achieved, Richard created a digital payment account in the app to gather everyone’s share. The app generated a letter detailing the amount to pay and the account to credit for all owners. He received a notification every time a payment came in and could see the account balance within the app.

With everyone paid up, the trader was booked in and the roof was fixed in days. Richard authorised payment from the app and everyone living at 3 Whitson Way enjoyed a watertight home again.