Our Vision For Co-Ownership



Our Vision For Co-Ownership

What does Novoville do?

At Novoville, we want to make software to improve people’s quality of life. Yes, global issues get all the airtime, but local problems are what are most likely to impact individuals’ day-to-day. This is why we team up with local authorities.

On a local level, a big problem for people is housing, and we’re proud to start tackling one of its thorniest aspects: co-ownership.

In Scotland, it’s a complex issue. When things go wrong, they can go very wrong, leading to expropriation, court cases, or masonry falling on people’s heads. But co-ownership also presents opportunities: cheaper insurance, shared costs, sinking funds, appointed property factors and above all: a safe and beautiful place to live.

Novoville's Vision for Tenement Blocks

Our vision is to smooth out the co-ownership of tenement blocks for the long term, by giving people the tools they need to collaborate with each other, and deal with issues relating to the roof over their head and the walls which surround them. That’s a need not just in Edinburgh, but all over Europe, and beyond.

Our goal is to integrate the market for shared repairs in a locality in a way that is replicable, and yet which respects local specificities. With our first pilot with the City of Edinburgh Council, we’re on our way.

But that’s all there is to it.

Better communication around maintenance and repair isn’t just an issue for individual homeowners. It’s an issue for professionals in the field as well. They are the ones who deal with these issues every single day.

Property Factors, social landlords, contractors & surveyors, the local Council, even lawyers. All have a stake in this ecosystem. All are invited to team up with us to create a new standard in the repair & maintenance space. Many already have. There’s a spirit of revolution in the air, and that’s a good thing.

If you’re in this space and you haven’t heard from us already, read on. We’re trying to bring more speed, fairness and clarity to an area which is a major pain and drain for all parties involved for too long. If we pull ourselves together, we can do this.